Symptom: Your 6 (or 12) volt bug sometimes doesn't
start, you have worn through the sole of your sneakers pushing the car to start
it and it is not "cute" anymore. Before we start, this article requires that you either have a decent understanding of current and voltage. The "hard start" problem is most prevalent in 6 volt
Beetles, but can exist in 12 volt systems as well. In either case, you
should know that this "hard start" relay fix (detailed below) is a Band-Aid for
a less-than-perfect electrical system. I hesitate to even mention it. I am a
purist and believe that things should be left "as they were" and kept in
pristine condition through your dedication and loyalty. But I also know that on
a cold December night, when you just want to get home and the snow is starting
to stick, I can take my "dedication and loyalty" and shove it. I would say
though, that you shouldn't do this for 12 volt systems as whatever problems that
are causing it are much more easily fixable than with the 6 volts systems. How it is Supposed to Work You turn your key and
electricity from your battery goes to your starter, which is just an electric
motor, and it spins the engine. Any questions? At the high level, it is
really that simple. The problems comes in the way the electricity is delivered
to the starter. But before we go there, lets make sure we understand how a
starter works. We have already established that it is just an electric motor, but there are two other things attached to it that you should know about: Gizmo #1: The "bendix". For some reason I think "bendix" is one of those old words that you only hear your grandparents use. Like "housecoat" or "rubbers" (those rubber things that you supposedly put over your shoes when it rained). But most seasoned mechanics still call it that. The bendix is an electromechanical device that slides the little gear on the end of the motor shaft out so it can mesh with the teeth on the flywheel. It is attached directly to the starter. Without a bendix, the gear would have to be engaged on the flywheel all the time, even after the engine was running, and would make that noise that your grandmother's car makes when she "restarts" the car after it is already running (a noise that could bring your grandfather out of a coma). Gizmo #2: The "solenoid".
The solenoid is pretty much another name for "relay" in the case of the starter.
It is actually an electromechanical device that pulls a set of contacts together
to make the high current connection between the starter and the battery. Now in most starters the bendix and the solenoid are the same electromechanical device. "Electromechanical" means that it takes electrical energy and makes mechanical movement out of it. The same coil (that produces a strong magnetic field) that throws out the gear, also pulls together the contacts. Cool, huh? Lets talk about what a relay, and in the case of the starter, the solenoid does. Such a device allows a small amount of current to switch a much larger amount of current. The starter in your Beetle is, by far, the highest current device. Much more than the headlights, rear window defroster, radio, etc. all put together Starters can pull in excess of 100 amps from the battery; but fortunately for the battery, only for a brief period of time. Notice how fat that wire that goes from the battery to the starter is? You wouldn't want to pull that huge wire all the way up to the dash where the starter switch is and back again to the starter. One, it would be very cumbersome, and two, your starter switch could never handle switching that much current. That's what the solenoid does for you. It keeps that very high current circuit as short and direct as possible, just between the battery and starter. So when you turn your key at the dash, you are actually applying battery voltage to the solenoid, which is then throwing the gear out to the flywheel and making a direct contact between the battery and starter via that big, fat wire. That is how it is supposed to work. Problems with the Starting Circuit Relatively speaking, that solenoid itself, is a pretty high current device. I don't know for sure, but I bet it is in the 10 amp range for the 6 volt systems. So that circuit, from the battery to the dash, through the ignition switch and back to the solenoid, is a pretty high current one. This means that it is very susceptible to voltage drops. And the solenoid, especially after it is 30 years old, is pretty picky about voltage. Loosing 1 volt out of 6, and that coil just ain't gonna pull. Sometimes you hear about a "hot start" problem. Poor connections, as a result of corrosion, may drop varying levels of voltage depending on the temperature of the connection. And remember that passing current through a corrosive, resistive connection generates heat in that connection. The "hard/hot start" problem is usually based in the
solenoid (secondary) circuit, not the high current starter (primary) circuit.
But don't overlook the obvious other connections (see below) Here is some text and graphics describing the various starter circuits over the years. 1954-August 1959
In most of the 50's model
years, the circuit was the same as the '61-'65 below, except that the
connections to the headlight switch and fuse box were after the ignition
switch (not shown here). From a current optimization (to the starter)
standpoint, that made the most sense. August 1959-1965
The dash is fed by a big red wire that comes straight off the regulator on the generator and goes directly to the light switch, from a "shared" terminal on the light switch, this wire goes to one of the fuses and from that same side of the fuse, it also goes to the ignition switch. A black wire goes from the ignition switch to another fuse, but from that same (unfused) side of the fuse, a black wire goes back to the ignition coil. NOTHING in this whole starting and ignition circuit is fused! Be careful. Another red wire comes off the ignition switch and travels all the way down back to the starter solenoid. Note that this secondary starting current path "touches"
many components unrelated to the starting circuit (headlight switch, fuse box),
but doesn't actually go through them. This is just done to optimize the wire
path and provide voltage to other stuff along the way. Unfortunately though, it
provided more connections for potential voltage drops. 1966 A fat red wire comes right off the starter lug that the
battery wire is connected to and goes straight to the ignition switch. The
"start" lead from the ignition switch then goes to a fuse end, from that same
side, it goes to the headlight switch, "through" the headlight switch via
another tab to the generator lug, then to the solenoid connection on the
starter. This "moved" the ignition switch a little farther ahead in the circuit,
but the switched lead than still had to pass along the headlight and generator
circuits before getting to the starter. 1967-1968
1969-1971 Almost the same as above except the current passed "through" the headlight switch (in one terminal, out another; instead of "piggy-backing" the same terminal) before going to the ignition switch. After '71, the wiring diagrams got too complicated for me
to follow anymore. Stuff to Check First Before you go running out to buy a relay, you should definitely check out your whole starter wiring circuit. First, the starter itself. Most Beetle starters actually supply the voltage to the solenoid via the starter armature. This means that dirty or worn starter motor brushes can cause the intermittently dead starter problem too. It is really not all that hard to take the whole starter out and do a quick clean up on it. It may cure the problem all by itself. To do this, remove the starter from the car and remove the end cap on the starter (the end opposite the gear) by taking out the long bolts and remove the end cover. Clean up the brushes (a can of carb cleaner works well) and make sure that they are not worn down so much that they aren't making contact with the armature commutator. Replace them if necessary. Clean the commutator with a fine emery cloth or sandpaper (the copper "strips" on the armature shaft that the brushes ride on). Clean the thin slots between the commutator pads using and old toothbrush. Put some grease on the armature shaft end prior to re-assembling the end cover and some on the snout of the starter (shaft in front of the gear) before putting it back in the tranny. Now, I can't possibly cover all of the details of all of the years of the Beetle's wiring (some in the diagrams above), so let me make some generalizations. In the list below, "good" in terms of connections, means clean, shiny and tight. Some connections are big eyelet, stud and nut type; many are .250" "spade" push ons; and some of the very old VWs had tiny screw terminals on everything. Get some fine sandpaper or emery cloth (I have a little, cheapy, rechargeable battery powered "Dremel" type tool, that turns much slower than a Dremel and takes all of the 1/8" shank accessories. I use it a lot for cleaning up contacts) and make sure that all of your metal contacts look like metal. Remove all corrosion and rust. Sometimes those female push on connectors get loose and you need to slip them off and squeeze them down a bit with some pliers to make them push back on snug. Sometimes you will need to replace connectors that are useless. And let me diverge and talk about wire terminations in
general. I am a bit fanatic about this. I do not believe that anything less than
what I do is futile, but I do ALL of my wire terminations the same way: solder
and heat shrink. I don't crimp anything. Yeah, I have the crimp tools and all,
but something in my mind says that stripping a wire, slipping it into a barrel
ended crimp type connector and then flooding the cavity with solder is the
best way. A piece of heat shrink over the outside of the barrel, and a
bigger one shrunk around the whole outside of the female push on, is what I do.
Takes more time, but I feel better about it. So here's what you should check:
And lastly, the starter ground.
"What starter ground?" you ask? Well, let's see, the starter is metal and it is
bolted to the tranny, what could be a better ground than that? Well, what is the
tranny bolted to? Rubber engine mounts, duh! Yes, the tranny must be
grounded. Usually this is done via one of those braided copper straps up on the
front tranny mount. It goes between one of the tranny-side bolts and one of the
body-side bolts. It is subject to lots of abuse riding along under the car, all
exposed. There has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth for overlooking this
The "Hard Start" Relay Ok, so you thoroughly checked out the whole ignition system and if your starter leaves you stranded one more time you are probably going to do some irreparable damage to your Beetle. We already have two circuits to talk about in the stock system: The primary starting circuit. This is the 100-or-so amp, fat wire directly between the battery and starter, and the battery and starter grounds. The secondary starting
circuit. This is the 10 or so amp circuit from the battery to the ignition
switch and back to the solenoid. A simple relay has 4 or 5
contacts and is represented by this: The "coil" connections are where you apply voltage to make the relay close it's contacts. The relay doesn't care which one you ground and which one you apply 12 volts to, it will work either way. [unless you find one of those old metal cased kind where one coil wire is tied to the metal case and hence to ground] The contact terminals do just what the graphic indicates; when the coil is energized, the magnetic field pulls the moving contact down. Some relays have a "normally on" contact meaning that it makes contact while the coil is not energized, and breaks contact when it is. You won't use this connection on the relay if it has one. Most relays will have a graphic similar to this on the packaging. Here's how you hook it up:
Some preparation work will pay off. After you read these steps, go scope out the whole deal in your car if you are going to do it. Take some measurements, then go buy all the stuff. You will need to find a 6 volt relay, and these may be a bit hard to find. The contacts should be rated for at least 10 amps at 12 or 6 volts DC (if the max contact amperage is rated at a higher voltage, it should still be at least 10 amps). Get the wire that you need. You need to make up: 1) a ground wire for the relay coil; 2) a wire to go from the relay to the solenoid and 3) a wire to go from the relay to a power source. Buy the connectors that you need, most relays have the common
1/4" push on terminals. Heat shrink tubing will make for a nice installation and
a soldering iron is needed too. When you are done, it should look like this:
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