Make sure that you are installing the correct oil pump and camshaft combination in your engine. The proper oil pump is determined by the style of the camshaft being used. Two styles of camshafts can be used in 1961 and later 40hp, 1300, 1500 & 1600cc engines. They are readily identified by checking the front of the camshaft. Early camshafts are designed for use with a short shaft oil pump. The early camshaft is flat faced and has 3 rivets or bolts that hold the gear to the cam. All new high performance billet cams are of this type (fig.1) later model camshafts were introduced in 1971 and have a dished gear with four mounting rivets (fig. 2). Late model camshafts require the use of a long shaft oil pump. Later cams are not normally used as high performance parts due to the non-availability of new billets.
Check your cam carefully. The installation of the wrong oil pump can result in completee engine failure. The fact that you have a 1971 or later engine is not guaranteed that you have a late cam. Most replacement cams and justy about all high performance grinds are of early 3-bolt type.
Figure 1: Figure 2: Early Cam may be equipped Late Cam for use with with rivets as shown or 8 mm bolts. long shaft Oil Pump
The Maxi pump 2 guarantees total filtration of all engine iol before it reaches the bearings. The added volume of the Maxi 2 will increase engine life by lowering the engine temperature and by pumping 100% filtered oil to the bearings. The spin-on oil filter can be changed in just minutes. All oil is under the engine and clean up is kept to a minimum. Fits all upright Sedan engines to 1975 and Vans to 1967. Excluding auto stick shaft models.
Install your new CB filter pump as shown. Do not attempt to reverse the pump or filter housing with the filter to the right side of the engine. The filter is designed to be installed to the left side of the engine only.
Die cast blueprinted housing features a pressure chamber to help provide a constant flow of oil. The Maxi 1 slips right in to replace your stock oil pump. Models are available to fit all type 1, 2 and 3 VW engines.
Maxi Pump 3: The Maxi Pump 3 was designed to solve oil flow and cooling problems on 1968-71 VW vans and Buses. It provides a way to operate your engine Full Flow without the inconvenience and cost of drilling and tapping your engine case as in old style Full Flow systems. Maxi Pump 3 fits between your engine case and the rear mount and provides both outlet and inlet for unrestricted oil flow. The inner design includes a pressure chamber to smooth out the flow of oil. 9 tooth gears and blueprinted specs help provide an oil system that will greatly reduce oil temperature and increase engine life.
Maxi Pump 5: A single outlet is located on the pump face to route oil to the cooler and filter. The engine case must be drilled and tapped for return oil flow. Drilling and tapping requires a complete engine tear down. It is best to install a full flow pump of this type during overhaul to eliminate extra expense. You can use the Maxi 5 on just about any VW engine. From uprights to late Buses, the increased volume and anti-cavatational features of the Maxi series will really get the job done.
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